Writing For Designers - Video Making

Task: Using 20 selected words, make a 60 seconds video.


Hi - My name is Mark Oseyili

I used 20 words as you can see on this table to form a poem. I read:

After a good breakfast.
I make reflection on life.
I am a man who desires to be as larger than life.
They say Life is deep - A poor mind is always sad;
No fingerprint is inimitable.
Every person born in this world is a student.
Chinese proverbs says, a man is good for nothing until he is educated.
Of a truth, time waits for no one - so follow your heart.
The eye is the window of the soul, A little advise is pleasant to the ear;
Try, and keep possession and control over money:
Might is right, and it is ethical for superiors to rule over inferiors.
The love of the village is natural.
A hot romance is best in darkness.
In the field of learning, Judge a man by his conversation.

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