Writing For Designers - Story Making

Task 3: Make a story using the following words (Durian, Basket and Rope)


Tale of The Old Farmer.

Once upon a time in the olden days; an old farmer had mounted his son upon a horse and tied an empty basket with a rope to the side of the horse and headed to his farm to harvest durians fruits to sell in the market.

Upon reaching his farm he discovered his durian tree had produced so many fruits. He was excited and started to harvest the fruits from the tree. Soon, he had harvested a basket full of durians and there was no more space in the basket to contain more fruit.

He mounted the basket full of durians and tied it upon the back of the horse and they set for the market. On the way to the market, him and his son walked alongside on foot while the horse rode alone with the basket of durian tied on its back.

After they had walked some distance they approached some passers-by who began to heap ridicule upon them saying: “Look at this foolish old farmer, how can he buy a horse and not use it for himself, instead he is walking along on foot with his son.”

The old farmer heard the ridicule and was displeased; he momentarily halted the horse. "Climb upon the hose with me!" he said to his son.

Moving a short distance later they came upon another group of passers-by, who as well uttered their sentiment clearly. "This is such an animal abuse! very shameless, for an old farmer to torture such a poor horse! Couldn't you old man use your own leg to walk while you allow your son to ride on the horse, must you work the poor animal to death?” they said.

The old farmer stopped once again, and was disturbed by this saying. "Let me climb off and you remain!" he said to his son.

After they had gone some distance they came upon another group of of elderly men who began talking about the pair. "The world is getting more crazier and crazier," they said. "How stupid of a son to sit upon at ease on the horse, allowing his old father walk alongside dripping with sweat."

The old farmer heard this comment and had his son climb down, and he himself took a seat on the donkey's back. "Now I think this will satisfy them," he murmured.

Soon they came upon another group this time women who likewise were expressing their thoughts about old farmer his son and his horse, and indeed, loudly enough that the old farmer could hear them. "Have you ever seen anything like that? That must be an uncaring father who allows his poor son run on foot while he himself rides proudly along on the horse!"

They both dismounted and walked along on foot beside the horse. But they had not gone far when they came upon another group of people who also had something to say about them. They heaped ridicule upon them: As soon as the people had gone on their way.

No sooner said than done! The old farmer ignored their ridicule and followed his own advice.

Him and his son walked alongside on foot while the horse rode alone with the basket of durian tied on its back. And as soon as they reached the market, he said to his son, "If you ever should come into the possession of a horse, never allow other people decide for you how you should use it. Some will say that you have to use it very much, and others that you have use it a little. You can't please everyone: If you want to please everyone, in the end you will displease yourself."


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